《外教速聘通》是聘外易网站的超级待聘外教面试卖场 | |||
![]() 中介推荐模式:外教中介机构将外教推荐到用人单位赚取定额中介佣金。 代招代管派遣模式:外教中介机构代招代管外教,代发外教工资,通常免收中介佣金。 教材订购派遣模式:用人单位征订外教中介机构一定数量的教材,获得免中介佣金、免外教薪资的服务模式
Oct. 2011 Editing (Final Cut Pro 7) music video "Stelle Cadenti", artist: Duplici (Italian hip hop duo), directed by M. Reiniger, S. Palladini, prod.: UnveilArts – London Oct. 2010 Editing (Final Cut Pro 7) trailer for the documentary "Heavy Load" (Canon EOS 5D / Sony XDCAM), directed by Eliane Besson, prod.: Meltin Pop / Free Advice in July - Aug. 2010 Directing, editing (Final Cut Pro 7) Michele Del Campo painter artist Close London Feb. - May 2008 Editing (Final Cut 6.0.3) TV series "Pronto Intervento" directed by C. Bozzatello, executive prod: Below the Line for FOX-FX – Rome March - April 2006 Editing (Final Cut 5.0) documentary "Perotti Point" demolition about an infringement of local building regulations, directed by Alessandro Piva, Maurizio Feb. 2006 Editing, color correction (Final Cut Pro 5.0) documentary "In coda ai titoli" (HD - dur.: 70 min.), directed by Riccardo Paoletti, prod.: Lotus Production – Rome
2016 TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TEFL) / TEACHING ENGLISH TO 2012 Diploma in Operator's Visual and Audio communication at the ITC Majorana – Bari 2010 ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE at Lewisham College, certificate A1 – London 2002 Master’s Degree in Theory and Techniques of the Cinematographic Language, at the D.A.M.S. (Discipline of Art, Music and Entertainment) Alma Mater Studiorum University – Bologna 1999 Attendance at the Zelig Documentary/Film School – Bolzano 1995 Diploma in Accounting management and software development at the ITC Colamonico – Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies/Interests I have travelled extensively, I enjoy meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. Music is a real passion as I mix and create different types of music. In addition, I am sensitive and passionate about environmental issues, global education, film documentaries and lifelong learning. I keep fit by walking and swimming.
意大利硕士男外教 有tefl证书 旅游签证 11月28号到期 现在上海 求职上海及其上海附近职位 可尽快到岗 教学经验不多 |
立刻约该外教面试 |
编号-wj28136930 中介费或单月费用:6000元
国籍: 英国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 硕士 期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 下学期 意向地点: 杭州
编号-wj28129186 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 菲律宾 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 4000-6000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj28128277 中介费或单月费用:3000元
国籍: 西班牙 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 4000-6000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 北京
编号-wj28127007 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 俄罗斯 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj28126016 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 印度 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 2016年12月份 意向地点: 全国均可