Work experience
-Spanish teacher in Masaryk University (Czech Republic) 2008. Occupation or position held - Private teacher in Skřivánek Language School (Czech Republic) March
2008-June 2008.
-Private English, Spanish and Japanese teacher for kids.
-English/Spanish teacher in Summer Camp, Boskovice, Language School Rolnická. 2012
-Audio voice in Spanish book Španělština pro samouky a věčné začátečníky. Univerzita Karlova, Prague.
-MKM Jazyková Skola (Language School) Conversation course. Summer 2012.
-Spanish teacher in Jazyková Skola (Language School) Rolnická 15th September 2012-15th February 2013. More than 150 lessons
-Spanish teacher Jazyková Skola (Language School) Amigas. Po maturitní Kurz (Post-secondary school). September 2012-June 2013. +300 lessons.
-Spanish teacher in Masaryk University in collaboration with Jazyková Skola (Language School) Savia. September 2012-December 2013.
-Collaborator in DELE Spanish Exam in Brno. 9-10 November 2012.
-Examinator and collaborator in DELE Spanish Exam in Brno (Instituto Cervantes Praha). 24-25 May 2013.
-Spanish teacher in Tutor. Intensive course “Medio Ambiente y problemas ecológicos/ Environment and ecologic problems”. August 2013.
-Examinator in DELE Spanish Exam in Brno (Instituto Cervantes Praha). 22 November 2013.
-Correction of book Con el Corazón en Bolivia/ Se srdcem v Bolívii.
-Spanish teacher in MKM language school, Czech Republic. Preparation for DELE. January 2014 - May 2015
-Spanish basic course, MKM language school, Czech Republic.
-Working as Spanish teacher in Top Language Center-Motorola. 80 lessons. From September 2013 until now.
-Working as Spanish teacher in Top Language Center-Minerva ,.a.s. 15 lessons. From October 2013 until now.
Occupation or position held - Working as Spanish teacher in Jazyková Skola Amigas. Po maturitní kurz
(Post-secondary course). September 2013- June 2014.
- Official examinator in DELE exam.
- Teaching Kung Fu in ISC, International Student Club. Masaryk University,
Czech Republic.
English Teaching experience in China.
-Kindergarten Huijia, Full time job, October 2015 until now.
-Kindergarten 21st century, full time time job, Beijing. February 2015 – August 2015
-Field Education (training center), part time job, Yanjiao, Hebei. September 2014- February 2015.

-Intermediate English Level certificate by Hastings College (England).
-Methodology of education of foreign languages. Advanced level certificate
by Cádiz University.
-Methodology of education of foreign languages. Basic level certificate by
Cádiz University.
-Japanese Language Proficiency Test. NEW Level 3 certificate.
-Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 certificate.
-Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 4 certificate.
-Advance English Level certificate by Brunel University (England).
-Erasmus in Brno, Czech Rep. 2007-2008.
-Stay in Belgium: march 2010/ june 2010 and november 2010/ january 2011.
- Collaborator student in Cádiz University 2009/10 and 2010/11
- Czech Intensive Summer course in Masaryk University. Summer 2012
Begginer level. A2 level.
- Intensive English course. Oral Skills. UIMP. Universidad International
Menéndez Pelayo. 3-8th December 2012. High intermediate level.
- Course of DELE examinator B1-B2 in Instituto Cervantes Praha.
19 October 2013.
- TESOL 120 hours.

Mother tongue(s) Spanish.
Other language(s) English, Japanese, Czech. Learning Chinese
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken
interaction production
English B2 B2 B2 B2 B2
Japanese B2 B2 B2 B2 B2
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences
After working in training centers and kindergartens I can say I understand better and better Chinese kids and Chinese working system, and what Chinese education centers want from foreigners.
I also hold Z visa.
西班牙男外教,现在北京 有教学经验 有工签 有本科tesol 求职北京附近兼职职位 可以教英语 西班牙女 日语以及捷克语 可尽快到岗