

2023年-第二十一届中国国际人才交流大会 提交招聘需求


发布:2015-5-13 11:46:49 点击:1061 用户:Lisa 出自:聘外易


Training schools in china who are looking for foreign teachers


There are a lots of training schools in china now wants to hire more foreign teachers, so their advantage in the employment is that they can offer a higher salary such like from 15000-20000, offers with free private individule accomodation, and also there are many foreigners who wants to work with a higher salary and who does not mind to work in a training centers, they just want to get a higher salary job in china and start to earn and saving money into their own porket, so i will easily get them a training school jobs for them, and normally in the training schools that having more works to do, and they are having more classes and office hours per week, and will always need to work in the weekend, and having two days off on Monday and Tuesday every week, so thats why there are a lots of foreigners who does not want to work in the training schools because they are always having more working hours and also need to work on the weekend, it will always keeps them busy all the time and will not have enough time for themselves to enjoy and play and to share the weekend with their family, so thats why so many foreigners does not want to work in the training schools at all, they are even more prefer to work in the public schools or the universitys, cause they will have normal time schedule and work from Monday to Friday, and have two days off on the weekend every week, so that they will have their own time and also will be able to have time for their familys, even with less salarys they are also willing and prefer to work in the public schools or the university.

So i understand it very well, and i also will help them to get non training schools, but for those who are willing to work in the training schools i will also like to help them to get a training schools jobs for them, because they are the type of people who are looking for higher salary and who are willing to save money, and also mostly they are also the hard workers just like the chinese, because the world knows that chinese is the most hard working people in the world and thats why we can develope ourselves so fast, so i would like to help with those foreigners so much, cause they are just like us, and they can work in the high pressure and earn money and also having savings from their hard work and from their salary, so i really admire those foreigners, they are really not easy, and i admire them so much, also the training schools can also hire non native speakers, just that if they can work very well then the school can hire them without any problems, so i will always try all my best to get them a job, also there are native speakers who can also accept to work in the training schools, cause they also need to earn and saving money, so its the same it does not matter natives or non natives, its all about money.

And as you know that there are a lots of training school in everywhere of china, they are looking for foreign teachers, and they provided with higher salary but will also need to work very hard and having more working hours, so we all know that the publich schools and the university are very easy to get a foreign teachers cause they are public schools, and they are good themselves so they are not worry about hiring foreign teachers at all cause there are lots of foreign teachers who are willing to come and work in their school already, and also the university, most of the universitys in china are very easy and simple to get a foreign teachers , cause they are more famouse and will have a lots job agencys to recommend good foreign teachers to them, so this their big advantages, because they are publc and well knowned schools in china so will never have any problems with the foreign employment, so the urgency in need of foreign teachers are the training school in china, they are not very easy to get a foreign cause they are not well known and also have lots of works to do, so their advantage is only that they can provide with higher salary, but you just have to really work hard for them, so i will get them the foegien teachers that fir their requirement.


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