招聘模式 | 悬赏 |
招聘类别 | 外籍教师 |
招聘数量 | 5个 |
悬赏金额 | 84000元,平均16800元/个 |
招聘条件 | 以下所列招聘条件仅供猎头机构初步参考,具体仍以邮件电话沟通为准 |
工作地点 | 江苏省-扬州(以详细描述中为准) |
工作类型 | 全职 |
招聘状态 | 招聘进行中 |
最后更新 | 2023-8-16 |
Shane English School was founded in 1977 in England has since become one of the worlds’ premiere brands of private education. Shane English has committed to recruiting only professionally qualified native speakers to provide relaxed and completely immersive English environment for students to learn in. With 40 years experience, Shane has a rich and compelling teaching system that appeals to the learners of all ages. It is specifically tailored for non-native learners to idiomatically develop their skills in a relaxed way.
Shane English(Yangzhou Schools)founded in 2009,has over the past 11 years,developed into the largest all foreign taught ESL training center in Yangzhou with 5 locations serving over 3000 students.
Yangzhou is a medium sized city just north of Shanghai and near Nanjing, being about 2 hours from the former and 1 hour from the latter. The city has all of the amenities of the larger cities without all of the hassle. We have several Starbucks', a Pizza Hut, Burger King and several other western style restaurants as well as several modern shopping centers. The locals tend to be genuinely friendly. The city’s long history dating back over 2500 years lends itself to a tangible sense of authenticity in a rapidly modernizing China. For the curious, the old city center is a walk through the past. A patchwork of winding streets and quiet gardens crisscrossed with ancient canals and sleepy neighborhoods, there is always something new to experience and discover!
外教国籍: Native language foreign teachers in British and American countries 英美国家母语外教
外教学历:BA/BS and higher 最低要求为BA/BS
年龄要求:22-40 preferred 倾向于22-40岁之间
外教资历:要求至少120小时的TEFL, TESL, TESOL or CELTA
每周办公时间:No more than 3 hours ≤3小时/周
每周教学时间:Less than 23 hours in practice 实际≤23小时/周
(1)5 days per week 5天/周(from Wednesday to Sunday 周三至周日)
(2)(SAT&SUN: 8:00am-5:40pm in practice) One of the campuses are working from Tuesday to Saturday now due to the new policy.
学生年龄:3-15 though 4-9 yrs is the majority 3-15岁(大多数为4-9岁)
班级人数:No more than 16 ≤16人
每节课时长:40mins and 120mins (90 is the majority) 40分钟和120分钟(大多数为90分钟)
薪资和发放方式: Pay period starts/ends on the 1st. Paid once a month on the 10th. 23000 RMB ~ 26000 RMB/Month.
假期休假:Paid holiday - 20 days
机票报销:Reimbursement for airfare is up to 5000 RMB
签证办理:Reimbursement for visa application is up to 4000 RMB
其他福利:1,000 RMB cost of insurance by the school
Cost of Living:
每个外教的悬赏赏金为16800元整(悬赏赏金根据外教资历 12000-16800/人次),外教到岗30日内支付给外教中介机构