

2023年-第二十一届中国国际人才交流大会 提交招聘需求

english teaching

发布:2012-6-19 8:41:00 点击:879 用户:Lisa 出自:gggg

Job Description:

Position 1: English teachers
Position 2: English teachers for chilren, English Exam teachers such as TOEFL and IELTS,Business English teacher, Japanese, Franch, Korean teachers and other language teachers
Location : Beijing, Hangzhou,Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen,Chongqing,Nanjing, Qingdao and Xi'an
Schedule : Flexible
Class size : one on one
Students : from kids to adults
Materials : Cambridge, Longman, Ielts and so on
Starting Date : ASAP

Job Requirements :

1. Native English speakers preferred
2. TESOL/TEFL/CELTA or teaching certificate preferred
3. Teaching experience preferred

Salary and Benefits For Full-time Teachers:
1. Monthly salary: 8000 to 18,000RMB, commensurate with teachers’qualifications,more teaching periods, more salary.
2. Accomodation subsidy.
3. Sponsor work for Working Visa.
4. Teaching evaluation and attendence rewards
5. Air-ticket reimbursement
6. Accident insurance
7. 5 paid vacation days per year.
8. birthday gift,food welfare and so on.

Salary and Benefits For Part-time Teachers:
1. 120RMB to 165RMB per 50minutes for one-one-one teaching, more salary for one-on-two and more.
2. Sponsor work for Working Visa according to candidate's working performance.
3. Teaching evaluation and attendence rewards.
4. Regular teaching training.
5. birthday gift and so on.

anybody who is interested in the positions,please feel free to contact me at MSN:annianni123@126.com;QQ:329485549;1074740580;Skype:youyouwuyou

english teaching

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