


北京东方国际教育研究院(Beijing International Education Institute 简称BIEI)是专门引进、整合国外优质教育资源,与国内外一流高等院校合作开展国际教育项目的运作、服务、投资的专业机构。

经过近几年的发展,BIEI已经和国内几十所著名院校建立了国际教育项目的合作关系,其中北京师范大学、中央财经大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、北京航空航天大学、哈尔滨工业大学、中国地质大学、武汉大学、湖南大学、东南大学、华中科技大学、华中师范大学、西安交通大学、西南财经大学、西南交通大学、上海外国语大学、南京邮电大学、 浙江师范大学、上海师范大学等大学为国家重点高校,目前国际合作项目在校生人数规模已超过万余人;与英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、爱尔兰等百余所国外大学及教育机构建立了合作伙伴关系,在国内成功地推广和运作了多个国际教育项目。目前BIEI在全国除位于北京CBD的总部以外,在华中、西南、华东、华南、华北、西北分别成立了管理中心,在所有的国内合作院校都有派驻机构专门从事国际教育项目的协调和管理。

Beijing International Education Institute is a professional international education service organization, which specializes in the provision of overseas high quality education and cooperates with China's top higher education institutions to develop international programmes in education operation and service. BIEI has established cooperative relations with nearly 100 Chinese top institutions involved in international education programs; we focus on sustainable development of Chinese-Foreign cooperation programs. Our partner universities including lots of 211 and 985 project universities in China. In order to meet the increasing demand of Chinese education development, BIEI will do its best to offer international programs and support services for schools and students who are willing to study abroad.

We provide competitive salary, benefits and well-developed training for our foreign employees.





Position: University Lecturer Majored in Computer Science

Type: Full-time

Working Location: university in Changde, Hunan Province

Subject/Course: Mobile Apps & Development; Data Structures and Algorithms; Web Authoring & Design; Introduction to Networking

Start date: March, 2018

Working time: Monday-Friday, no weekend or evening classes

Teaching load: no more than 20 teaching hours per week

Class size: 40--90

Accommodation: free apartment inside campus with full furniture

Contract: one year (flexible, can be renewed)

Air ticket allowance: 5,000---8,000RMB per year(after one year's service)




Position: University Lecturer Majored in Automobile Engineering

Type: Full-time

Working Location: university in Shiyan, Hubei Province

Subject/Course: Mechanics of Materials

Start date: March, 2018

Working time: Monday-Friday, no weekend or evening classes

Teaching load: no more than 20 teaching hours per week

Class size: 70--90(two classes)

Accommodation: free apartment inside campus with full furniture

Contract: one year (flexible, can be renewed)

Air ticket allowance: 5,000---8,000RMB per year(after one year's service)




Position: University Lecturer

Type: Full-time

Working Location: universities in Xiangyang, Hubei Province

Subject/Course: Fluid Mechanics; Computer Aided Engineering Mec; Control Engineering; Structural Mechanics

Start date: March, 2017

Working time: Monday-Friday, no weekend or evening classes

Teaching load: no more than 20 teaching hours per week

Class size: 30--40

Accommodation: free apartment inside campus with full furniture

Contract: one year (flexible, can be renewed)

Air ticket allowance: 5,000---8,000RMB per year(after one year's service)

Salary: 10000-15000RMB/month



Position: University Lecturer Majored in Accounting, Finance or relevant areas

Type: Full-time

Working Location: university in Chongqing City

Courses: Macroeconomics in the Global Economy; Accounting Practice

Start date: February, 2018

Working time: Monday-Friday, no weekend or evening classes

Teaching load: no more than 20 teaching hours per week

Class size: 20--40

Accommodation: free apartment inside campus with full furniture

Contract: one year (flexible, can be renewed)

Air ticket allowance: 5,000---8,000CNY per year(after one year's service)

Salary: 10,000-15,000 CNY per month



Position: University Lecturer Majored in Marketing or relevant areas

Type: Full-time

Working Location: university in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province

Courses: Strategic Management; Marketing Communications and International Marketing

Start date: March, 2018

Working time: Monday-Friday, no weekend or evening classes

Teaching load: no more than 20 teaching hours per week

Class size: 40--80

Accommodation: free apartment inside campus with full furniture

Contract: one year (flexible, can be renewed)

Air ticket allowance: 5,000---8,000CNY per year(after one year's service)

Salary: 10,000-15,000 CNY per month



Position: University Lecturer

Type: Full-time

Working Location: university in Nanning City, Guangxi Province

Subject/Course: Tourism natural environment; World sports tourism; Tourism safety permission; Sports tourism; Project design management; Turisthotellet marketing; Sports tourism experience

Start date: March, 2018

Working time: Monday-Friday, no weekend or evening classes

Teaching load: no more than 20 teaching hours per week

Class size: 30--50

Accommodation: free apartment inside campus with full furniture

Contract: one year (flexible, can be renewed)

Air ticket allowance: 5,000---8,000CNY per year(after one year's service)

Salary: 10,000-15,000 CNY per month





