该外籍人才来自【cindyc】的![]() |
Organisation : Makari Foods - Agricultural farm, Richmond Date : July 2011-September 2011 Position : Development Facilitator (In-service training)
Duties and Responsibilities · We worked as a team and put together workshops to tutor the employees about a range of aspects of running a co-operative since they were going to be under new management. · Duties included making the workers aware of their rights and,suggested ways on how to maximise their profit, how to deal with problem solving and assisted with team building activities
Institution : University of KwaZulu- Natal, Pietermaritzburg Campus – School of Education and Development Date : August 2011-November 2011 Position : Conference Organising- (In-service training)
Duties and Responsibilities · I took part in the organizing of a provincial conference on (The state of co-operatives in South Africa: Building support systems, networks and partnerships). · I was part of the catering committee. My duties were to find a caterer that would assist at the function. We had to decide on the menu as well as the decor.
Institution : University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg Date : February 2012- June 2012 Course : Research Design, School of Education & Development
Duties and Responsibilities I did an independent research project based on Air Pollution and my primary research was on smog.
Organisation : Sibongimfundo High School Date : Jan 2013-Mar 2015 Position : English Teacher
Duties and Responsibilities · Taught English, Performed administration duties, did reports, · Organized activities like field work or field excursions, · Maintained class discipline. Ensured classroom cleanliness, · Supervised learners inside and outside classroom. · Monitored progress of the learners. · Promoted the learning program of the school. · Supervised the study of learners in the morning, afternoon, or on weekends to ensure that learning is taking place. · Motivated learners to do their work and encouraged punctuality to learners. · Encouraged learners and other Educators to upgrade their education in order to be to fit in the new curriculum e.g. Caps
Organisation : Faith In Action Organization (NPO) Date : April 2015 to Nov 2015 Position : Manager
Duties and Responsibilities -We did Christian outreaches to different organizations, such as orphanages, rehabilitation centres -Provided kids with toys, things that are necessities such as toothpaste, soap, toothbrush etc -Gave testimonies about how Jesus has changed our lives. -Kept in touch with the people we visited -Did follow-up visits -Formed close bonds with the people we visited -I listen to children’s problems and help give them hope -Collected donations and contributed money to the NPO cause
Organisation : Callforce (full time) Date : Dec 2015 to Mar 2017 Position : English Consultant
Duties and Responsibilities
Teaching English Juniors and adults from China, Taiwan and Japan for 45-30 minutes sessions. Juniors from the age of 5 years old to 18 years old and also fill in reports on the student’s performance and also upgrade and downgrade students based on their performance. Organisation : Fluentbe (Part-time) Date : Sep 2016 to date Position : English Teacher
Duties and Responsibilities Teaching English to Polish adults for 45-90minutes sessions, give them homework to monitor their progress, do revision with them, write progress reports at the end of semester so they can move forward to a higher level or stay behind to improve on their current level. Organisation : Boxfish (Part-time) Date : Nov 2016 to date Position : English Teacher
Duties and Responsibilities Teaching English to Chinese students via a phone app where they can see me and I them, I mostly teach children and teenagers 25 minute sessions. 2009-2012 Bachelor of social sciences University of KwaZulu- Natal, Pietermaritzburg Campus 2016 TEFL Certificate TEFL Professional Development Institute 2015-2017 June Postgraduate Certificate in Education (FET&SP) University of South Africa University of KwaZulu Natal Key Modules: Major 1: Education and Development · EDDE110 - Education and Development · EDDE120 - Education, Development, Social Identity and Oppression · EDDE210 - Education, Development and Power · EDDE220 - Comparative studies in Education and Development · EDDE301 - Environment and sustainability: Education and Development · EDDE302 - Issues in Education and Development · EDDE303 - Service learning · EDDE304 - Rural Education and Development 联系方式:18616924978 |
wj31400061 中介费:6000元
国籍: 南非 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 3000-4000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 2017年11月 意向地点: 全国
wj31398530 中介费:7000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 硕士 期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 中国
wj31399569 中介费:8000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >20000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 中国