

外教中介可领取 14657500 元 提交招聘需求

wj30781566中介费: 7000

国籍: 南非

学历: 本科


出生: 1974年

到岗: 越快越好

期望工作地点: 全国均可

语言: 英语

求职意向: 教师

工作性质: 全职

工作经验: >5(年)

所在地: 南非

期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

(个人用户)       所在地点: 辽宁省   大连  


·       Internal sales consultant/representative for retail firm (2016) (full time)

·       Self-employed (2014-2015) (full time)

·       Contracts Estimator/buyer (1997-2014) (full time)

·       Gymnasium instructor (2002-2006) (part-time) 

Teaching philosophy:

My teaching philosophy is simple: focus on the learner. The learner is both my tutor and my pupil. Concentrate on the learner, and learn what they are good at, and not good at. What they enjoy, and what they don’t.

Despite being a collective whole in the classroom, each learner is a unique person with their own needs. A good teacher needs to be patient, calm and sensitive to individual needs, strengths and weaknesses. Weaker learners need to be given extra attention in an understanding manner that does not make the weaker learner feel isolated or inadequate. A sense of calm and trust must pervade every learner in the classroom.

The teacher’s role should not be about the teacher saying “Do this” or “do that” but rather, encouraging and eliciting from students the willingness to learn; not only in the classroom, but outside of it as well.

To that end, the teacher needs to be vibrant, engaging and enthusiastic. A good teacher needs not know only how to teach well, but needs to be a positive role model and set a good example in the learner’s life.

Beyond the classroom, the teacher should be able to formulate and implement effective lesson plans, pre-plan interesting and stimulating activities for the learners, and always have a backup strategy should the need arise. In other words, be prepared. Teachers should be able to teach from a book as well as integrate modern technology to assist in teaching.



BA Degree (psychology major) from the University of South Africa (UNISA)

Cambridge CELTA certificate (TESOL) from International House Johannesburg

Accounting certificate (Cash book to balance sheet) from Hartwell Business Institute.

Pastel Accounting certificate from Hartwell Business Institute


wj30777194 中介费:6000元

国籍: 其他       求职意向: 教师

学历: 博士       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 2018.3       意向地点: 北京及附近

wj30776277 中介费:6000元

国籍: 乌克兰       求职意向: 教师

学历: 硕士       期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 南方

wj24005408 中介费:2000元

国籍: 英国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 专科       期望薪资: 中介代发

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 河北廊坊香河县

wj30760715 中介费:8000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 深圳

wj30759928 中介费:8000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 博士       期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 9月份       意向地点: 全国均可

wj30758939 中介费:4000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可




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