

外教中介可领取 10730000 元 提交招聘需求

wj28839742中介费: 5000

国籍: 美国

学历: 本科


出生: 1958年

到岗: 越快越好

期望工作地点: 全国

语言: 英语

求职意向: 教师

工作性质: 全职

工作经验: >5(年)

所在地: 深圳

期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

(公司用户)   已通过实名认证已通过邮箱认证    所在地点: 山东省   聊城  


Substitute Teacher        -        08/1987 to 07/1989

Atlanta Area School system, Atlanta, Georgia

I worked as substitute teacher in the Atlanta area school system, where I replaced regular absentee teachers in various schools ranging from middle schools through high schools, maintaining their work schedule during their absence with a focus on seamless continuity of the mathematics curriculum for the specific grade level of each teacher.


After School preparation of high school students for the yearly Scholastic Aptitude Test Examinations in Mathematics. This was continually ongoing yearly, with students improving their performance to successfully score very highly, and going on to prestigious universities across the country.

Areas of  Mathematics covered included Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry.

A-Levels Preparatory Teaching areas  included a review of the areas of Mathematics above mentioned, with main focus on Differential and Integral Calculus.

01/1997 to 03/2005 Programmer, research and development, industrial application programming  Cybermovers, Atlanta, Georgia.

During the computerization of industries era in the US, I was deployed to work as full-time employee of various companies to understudy the operations of the companies with a view to understanding real-life situations, issues and difficulties  faced by the companies in order to develop software solutions to address their needs.

Mathematical and scientific solutions were proffered for various companies, which led to the development of several industry-wide legacy software applications.


Lead programmer, Contract Programmer Atlanta, Georgia from 04/2005 to 10/2016.

Duties included Applications programming, and deployment.

Developed applications for the logistics industry.

SAT  PREPARATORY TEACHER 02/2016 to 04/2016

Private tutoring for 4 SAT students prior to


Michigan Technological University   

Houghton, Michigan 49931S

Civil Engineering    1978 – 1980

I completed Mathematics subjects up to Differential Equations, as part of the Civil Engineering curriculum requirement.

I was tested out of all mathematics courses up to and including differential calculus.

I was on the dean’s list through to and including integral calculus.

I transferred due to the cold weather to Louisiana.


Grambling State University,  Grambling, Louisiana

Bachelor of Arts Mathematics     1984

Completed Pure Mathematics curriculum.


University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC - 1985

Enrolled to take a course at the post graduate level in advanced statistics, stochastic processes, This was taken at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. Under Dr. Che Fang. Grade scored A.


Last College Stint: Southern Polytechnic state University, Marietta, Georgia - 1999

I elected to attend the Southern Polytechnic state University, as a graduate student in order to maintain and further brush up my mathematics skills by re-taking Differential Equations under Dr Kropa. I scored a final average of 96%, to earn an A.

All test papers and lesson plan from this class are currently in my possession, and can be made available on request.


美国, 数学专业, 数学家, 要求教数学, 科学, 可立即上岗。


wj28840956 中介费:5000元

国籍: 南非       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国


wj28838592 中介费:6000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 硕士       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 深圳


wj28837817 中介费:5000元

国籍: 其他       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国


wj28835787 中介费:5000元

国籍: 其他       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 2017.2       意向地点: 全国均可


wj28832757 中介费:6000元

国籍: 英国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 硕士       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 北京

wj28813887 中介费:元

国籍: 乌克兰       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 广东

wj28667732 中介费:第二派遣12000元

国籍: 德国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 硕士       期望薪资: 中介代发

到岗: 2017,3       意向地点: 全国均可

wj28666484 中介费:派遣模式12000元

国籍: 德国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 中介代发

到岗: 2017,3       意向地点: 全国均可

wj28656712 中介费:5000-6000元

国籍: 乌克兰       求职意向: 教师

学历: 硕士       期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 一个月内       意向地点: 全国

wj28655250 中介费:5000-6000元

国籍: 法国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国

wj28641169 中介费:8000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 上海




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