《外教速聘通》是聘外易网站的超级待聘外教面试卖场 | |||
![]() 中介推荐模式:外教中介机构将外教推荐到用人单位赚取定额中介佣金。 代招代管派遣模式:外教中介机构代招代管外教,代发外教工资,通常免收中介佣金。 教材订购派遣模式:用人单位征订外教中介机构一定数量的教材,获得免中介佣金、免外教薪资的服务模式
January 2006 – January 2008 British International School|Moscow As a kindergarten teacher, I worked with children and taught them basic skills to prepare them for school. Following a loose curriculum, I developed lesson plans that teach basic shape recognition, number and letter recognition, patterns, social skills and other early learning skills.
Job duties: · Teach children ages 4-6 basic skills, engaging them in fun activities that educate them at the same time. · Select and read books, develop learning games and activities, monitor children's behaviour and enforce the rules when necessary. · Meet with parents and speak to them about their child's progress, suggest activities for parents to do at home to continue their child's learning at home. · Demonstrate new activities and concepts to children. · Arrange for guest speakers to speak to children to teach them about new ideas or concepts. · Be able to respond quickly to children's moods and prevent classroom disruptions and student fights
March 2006 – June 2013 Public School 2054 humanities studies| Moscow Thought students how to read, write and speak English in a large and successful comprehensive. Provided a classroom presence and contributed to the positive ethos of the school. Put students first by demonstrating energy, vision and creativity.
Job Duties: · Teach English Language & Literature from the age of 7 - 10. · Help pupils to define and identify different types of verbs. · Tailor English teaching methods to suit the needs of individual students. · Plan, prepare and deliver lessons to a range of English classes. · Record and monitor a student’s attendance. · Mark work and give appropriate feedback to pupils. · Write new curriculum materials. · Prepare pupils for external examinations. · Manage pupils’ behavior in the classroom and on school premises. · Prepare coursework for students and the class.
August 2013-January 2017 Moscow –Socio Pedagogical University | Moscow Hired as a full-time teacher to teach students practicum, instructing all academic subject areas to classrooms of up to 12 students. Moscow Socio-Pedagogical University. Specialty: Teacher of foreign languages. English and German (Master’s Degree). Moscow Pedagogical State University. Interpreter of English Language (Master’s Degree – additional education). |
立刻约该外教面试 |
编号-wj34702153 中介费或单月费用:10000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj34701331 中介费或单月费用:9000元
国籍: 英国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 深圳
编号-wj34697985 中介费或单月费用:10000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 上海及南方
编号-wj34625677 中介费或单月费用:10000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 3000-4000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 南方大城市
编号-wj34696821 中介费或单月费用:10000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可