January 2017 – present
Researcher of the official international scientific project. Adam Mitskevich University in Poznan (Poland).
Participation in researching in the field of the official scientific project titled: "Regulation of the energy sector in the European Union and Ukraine. The comparison of purposes and legal means of regulation of the energy sector"
May 2015 – present
Assistant - Consultant to the Member of Parliament of Ukraine, responsibilities: bills development; analysis of existing legislation; the bill development, necessary documentation preparation, the transfer to the Parliament Committees, work on Committees' comments, leading up them before the voting; preparation Member of Parliament of Ukraine inquiries, requests, responses to appeals of citizens of Ukraine; the situation analysis of a citizen appeal; clarifications of the rights and responsibilities for the citizens; preparation Member of Parliament Ukraine inquiries, requests, responses on the citizen appeal to the government departments;
March 2011 – present
National Marketing and Trade Marketing Manager, LLC "Akvaplast" Dnipro, Ukraine (production and sale of table water, beverages, energy drinks; brands such as TM "FRUTS" – beverages, TM "Arabella" – beverages, TM "Morning Dew" - table water, "4x4 WD "- energy drink, the company occupies the 4th place among beverage producers and the 6th among water producers).
The number of direct subordinates: 3 (1 brand manager, 1 POS manager, 1 RE coordinator), functional - 14 (regional managers), 30 (territorial managers), 384 merchandisers;
Main responsibilities: development, implementation, evaluation of marketing programs’ efficiency (MP):
- "Branding" - Development of brandbooks for branding of different types of SO (sales outlet), carriers’ and distributors’ transport, budgeting, control of program implementation- number of branded SO - 520 (focusing on SO partial branding), carriers’ transport – 20, delivery vehicles - 86;
- "Installation of refrigeration equipment (RE)" (development and implementation of standards for field teams, evaluation of RE and investments efficiency; KAPEKS and
Kaliaka Serhii, 37 years old, single
Pravda Av. 55, apt. 900, Kharkiv, Ukraine,

January 2016 – till now
Working on the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (economics): "Stable development of Ukrainian national economy in terms of integration to the global economy"
Sept 2007 – Nov 2009
Joint Ukrainian-French program on masters’ training at University Lumière Lyon 2 (Lyon, France), studying at the University and practicing at French enterprises
Jan – Sept 2009
Scholarship holder (from French government, twice), studying a course in the laboratory "Making decisions in statistics and informatics" at University Lumière Lyon 2 (Lyon, France)
May 2008
Course of lectures «ASSET MANGEMENT», the Swiss Corps of experts
2004 - 2008
Post-Graduate course at Kharkiv National University of Economics
Thesis "Management of stable functioning of Enterprise - foreign economic activity", defended in February 2009, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Economics), author of 20 scientific publications, author of the monograph "Management of stable functioning of the organization". PhD in Economics.