·我公司外籍人才 wj33172223,在 2018-6-9 23:59:59日期前,用人单位可和我公司联系索取该人才详细资料并约电话面试或网络面试。
2018-5-25 11:51:40
- For 13 years I was a helping hand to many principles and helped improving the schools' level. Almost a
year of ESL teaching experience at schools, training centers and kindergartens, of home tutoring, general
and business English as well in China.I've helped establishing a few new training centers in Shenzhen as a
consultant , curriculum developer and a demo teacher, in 2017 and 2018.
My student won silver medal at National English competition in Beijing, held in February of 2018.
- ESL, civil education and social science teacher, since 2007, familiar with most famous editors and books,
curriculum in ESL teaching,
- 2 years of experience as a book seller for editing houses, in cooperation with a book publishers ,in 2005
and 2006, editing and writing paper works published for Lexington NY editor in 2015;
- From May of 2014 I am one of the nationally approved project authors for advancing school files and
- Employed since October 2003 at national and private international primary schools as a school
counselor, curriculum developer, teachers' and parents' trainer, teacher of social science subjects and an
ESL teacher and education specialist. Fourteen years long experience on different positions and vice
principal of the primary school for a few months, had been cooperated with all school staff in advancing
school management.
Beside managing regular activities concerning the positions in school, the following fields of work and
gained skills should be regarded:
- Planning,programming, curriculum development and organizing school work, evaluating and innovating
school work by training teachers, beside holding classes,
- Crisis and problem solving and crisis management - counsel of pupils,teachers and parents in their
problem solving process – emotional, moral, psychological and other support, prevention of addiction
problems at students,
- Presentation skills- School practice researches, data processing, description and presenting the results to
Graduated in June 2003, from University of Belgrade, with MA degree in Education;
Professional title: Education specialist.
National work permit for teachers and non-teaching staff issued by the Ministry of Education since March
of 2007.
TESOL certificate issued in Canada, in 2015.