《外教速聘通》是聘外易网站的超级待聘外教面试卖场 | |||
![]() 中介推荐模式:外教中介机构将外教推荐到用人单位赚取定额中介佣金。 代招代管派遣模式:外教中介机构代招代管外教,代发外教工资,通常免收中介佣金。 教材订购派遣模式:用人单位征订外教中介机构一定数量的教材,获得免中介佣金、免外教薪资的服务模式
Jan. 2011- date Secondary School Teacher and head of academic unit •Setting and advance academic strategy in line with school strategic plans and direction •Act as an active member of school executive board and contribute to the overall leadership and management. •Develop and sustain appropriate structures for management, consultation, decision-making and communication with staff and students •Promote and represent school internally and externally •Co-ordinate financing between customers and financial institutions. •Participate in management meeting to design the strategic and business plan •Fulfill the school responsibilities concerning student in respect of their admission, instruction, progress and examination •Ensure the highest levels of quality, integrity and ethics in all academic affairs.
Doctor of Management Land Resources Management Provisional GPA 3.205
China University of Geosciences Wuhan (2015)
Public Administration Final GPA 4.045
The University of Dodoma (2010)
Education in Arts Over all GPA 4.0 Upper second
Tegeta Secondary School Centre (2007)
Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
Ordinary Secondary Education
立刻约该外教面试 |
编号-wj29209559 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 津巴布韦 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 4000-6000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj29208904 中介费或单月费用:6000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 西南城市
编号-wj29207320 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 其他 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj29206060 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 其他 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 4000-6000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj29205827 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 乌克兰 求职意向: 教师
学历: 博士 期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 2017年2月中下旬 意向地点: 南方城市