English Language Professional/ English Teacher Training
Bangkok, Thailand and Lima, Peru
oGuest Native English Teacher for private schools around the country. Responsible for all aspects of lesson staging, multimedia resources, student analysis and results for students.
oTrainer of foreign teachers in the methodology of phonics and classroom management strategies during a Winter English Camp in Lima, Peru. Sponsored by British Embassy.
2006-2009 / 2011-2012
Native English Teacher
Republic of South Korea
oResearched and organized appropriate English lessons for various levels of students ranging from early beginners to advanced students. Four consecutive years in Korean public schools.
oHigh level of patience and understanding while working with co-teachers to deliver effective lessons amid less than desired working conditions and materials in rural schools
2005-2006 / 2010-2011
Inbound Customer Service
Tele-Tech Communications
Sudbury / Thunder Bay, Ontario
oInbound Customer Service Representative acting on behalf of Telus Communications to resolve online purchase disputes and also to process customer orders and take payments. Skilled as an effective communicator to reduce tension and find a peaceful resolve.
oTrained with US-based electronics online store as both a Customer Service agent and Sales agent to process web orders and upsell accessories and insurance on purchases. Top agent with insurance add-ons worth $200,000. 24/7 operation meant shift-work and overtime.
2000-2004/May-July 2013
Black Car Limousines /Mercedes-Benz
Toronto, Ontario/New York, USA
oContracted as a private operator to escort executives on daily business trips within Toronto and surroundings. Private chauffeur driving for many different occasions and holidays.
o VIP Driver for Mercedes-Benz during world-wide launch of 2014 S-Class vehicles in Toronto
Chief Scheduler of Rails Division
Imperial Oil and Gas Limited
Toronto, Ontario
oLPG and Propane Railcar Coordinator for Imperial Oil’s major refineries across Canada . Met daily targets to maximize customer orders within deadlines. Ensured all deliveries were 100% secure. Entrusted to eliminate errors using strong negotiating skills

B.Ed (in progress) 2010-2011 Lakehead University, Thunder Bay
B.A. Degree 1989-1993 University of Ottawa, Ottawa
TESOL 100 Hours 2009 Berkeley, California

8 years of multinational experience as a Teacher/Trainer of ESL instruction.
oCompletely open-minded as a professional in the care of multi-national students while instructing students and co-teachers from South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia.
oProven computer skills in Microsoft Office and Google Chrome for teaching resources
oConsiderate of foreign cultures in Asian countries to respect their laws and customs
oCareful planning and organization of teaching duties throughout the school year including lesson deadlines, quizzes, Mid-Term and Final Examinations
加拿大男外教 现在秘鲁 本科tesol 求职天津 沈阳 昆明 杭州上海附近的职位和秘鲁的女朋友12月份一起来华 有教学经验 需要学校提供签证