聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3313088
学校拥有现代化的教学设施,拥有一支高素质的教师队伍,现有教学班42个,教师138人,中高级人数92人,本科学历130人,研究生学历8人,全国省市优质课评比一等奖32人次,特级教师3人,市名师、学科带头人17人,省市县教坛新秀8人,市"十佳教师"、"十佳班主任"、 "百优班主任"、“模范班主任”11人,市优秀教研组长3人。
办学以来,学校被评为"全国民办非企业单位自律与诚信建设先进单位"、"国家基础教育外语教育研究中心优秀实验学校", "省级九年义务教育标准化Ⅰ类学校"、"省校本教研示范学校"、 "衢州市名校"、"市教育科研实验基地"等称号。
校训:崇德尚学 校风:诲人不倦 学风:学而不厌
Quzhou Huamao Foreign Languages School
Quzhou Huamao Foreign Languages School was founded in 1999. It is one of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization EPD project Experimental Schools. It is also an Experimental School of National Basic Foreign Language Education Research Center and a Citizen Morality Construction Experimental school.
There are 42 classes and 138 teachers at present. Each classroom is equipped with modern multimedia facilities. The school boasts many marvelous teachers of excellence. Our staff includes 3 special grade teacher of Zhejiang Province, 17 distinguished teachers and excellent academic leaders of respective subjects of Quzhou, 8 new star educationists, 10 top ten teachers and head teachers of Quzhou, 3 excellent teaching and research group leaders of Quzhou. Our principal has been awarded as the distinguished principal of Quzhou. In addition, 32 teachers have won the first prizes in all National Class Assessments.
Humanities are our strength. We believe that every student has the potential to exceed. We strive to help every student to succeed. Our campus offers a variety of activities to encourage students to become well-rounded. Our ultimate goal is our students’ lifelong development.
Quzhou Huamao Foreign Languages School is one of the most well-respected schools in Quzhou. Since 1999, our school has won numerous prizes and awards in different fields, including physical education, moral education, school administration and school-based curriculum development. Because of this, parents feel confident on trusting their children to our school.
Our school’s mission is to create moral, well-rounded students with an insatiable thirst for learning. We achieve this through a people-oriented educational philosophy with a focus on foreign languages, humanities and social development.