聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3303064
瑞安中学创办于 1896 年,是浙江省历史最悠久的学校之一,1959 年被省教育厅列为全省 16 所重点中学之一,1981 年被省教育厅确定为 18 所首批办好的省重点中学之一,现为省一级普通高中特色示范学校、全国绿化模范单位,2006 年获全国校园文化建设金奖,2005 至今连续四届被评为全国文明单位。
校园占地面积 228 亩,依山傍水,步步成景,处处文韵流转,精美醉人。学校现有 227 名教师 , 其中特级教师 5 人,浙江省教坛新秀、温州市名教师、温州市“三坛”共 47 人,高级教师 137 人,现有 48 个班级,国际部6 个班级,共计 2130 名学生。建校以来,已培养了 4 万多名学生,桃李满天下,许多学子学有专长,声誉卓著,有中华人民共和国国旗设计者曾联松,中国科学院院士、生物学家伍献文,中国科学院院士、天体力学家孙义燧,中国科学院院士、大气科学家伍荣生,中国工程院院士、海洋物理学家方国洪,历史学家周予同,戏曲史家王季思,音乐理论家缪天瑞,书法家邹梦禅,数学家项黼宸,歌唱家姜嘉锵,航天专家黄本诚,《小马过河》作者彭文席,统计学家、美国考普斯总统奖获得者蔡天文,美国堪萨斯州立大学首席教授林景瑜,国家科技进步一等奖获得者林成鲁,“长江学者”吴联生、陈积明等知名人士。
学校秉承永嘉学派爱国、务实与创新的传统,以“甄综术艺,以应时需”为校训,弘扬深思力行的瑞中精神,推进学校特色化发展,以“敢担当,有智慧,能做事”作为育人的愿景,以建设敢为人先、文化厚重的示范性高级中学为办学目标,努力打造“瑞中星”课程体系,形成“博学”“甄微”“创新”“致用”的课程特色。近两年来,共有 942 人次在全国数理化生信、各类创造或创新比赛、全国新概念作文比赛、“走进西澳”高中英语口语大赛等各级各类比赛中获奖,高校自主招生初审通过人数连续二年排名浙江省第二,2016年高考重点率达77%,教学质量和办学水平持续提升。2005 年,因瑞安中学建校 100 多年来做出的卓越贡献,编号为 4073 的小行星被命名为“瑞安中学星”, 这是在中国小行星命名史册上首次以一所中学名字冠名。
Brief Introduction to Zhejiang Ruian High School
Founded in 1896 and now a provincial first-rate key high school, Ruin High School is one of the schools with the longest history in Zhejing province.Situated by the mountain and river, with a pleasant scenery,our school covers an area of 220 mu and construction area of 56,000 square meters Now with 4 Special Grade Teachers and 29 Senior Grade Teachers as well as 1,999 students, our school has cultivated more than 30,000 students since its foundation, including famous personages such as Mr. Wu Xianwen, Mr. Sun Yisui and Mr. Wu Rongsheng members of China Science Academy, Mr. Zhou Yutong a historian, Mr. Wang Jisi a dramatist, and Mr. Zeng Liansong designer of the national flag etc.
Ruian High School persists in the advanced ideology for the school. That is, to cultivate students with high moral, cultural and scientific standards and encourage them to strive for the target of “learning to learn, to behave, to survive and to create” to achieve an overall development in the areas of morality, intellective, physique, aesthetics and labor Besides, our school is featured in “Little Invention and Creation” since the 1980s. As a result, more than 2000 of students works have won awards in provincial and national contests. With the curriculum reform playing a modeling role, the students’ research activities in learning are confirmed by experts and some of the students’ little inventions have been adopted in the textbook of Ideology and Politics. At present, there are 19 students’ societies holding various colorful after-class activities including the annual scientific Festival, Sports Festival and Art Festival, which provide stages for students to display their talents.
Aimed at a target of “To be First Rate at Home and Well-known Abroad”, the open-minded Ruian High School is qualified to invite foreign teachers. Now a teacher from Engand is teaching at school. Furthermore, the school leaders have gone abroad many times to investigate and learn advanced ideology. Excellent teachers are sent abroad for further study and training. In recent years, there are many education delegations from foreign countries like Italy coming to our school for a visit so as to promote the mutual understanding and cooperation between Ruian Hith School, and other schools.