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  • 用户ID:19171
  • 江苏省 - 苏州



聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A3 ,注册编号:3290002









Suzhou Overseas Affairs Service Center:

★ A state-owned organization which is subordinate to the Foreign Affairs Office of Suzhou Municipal Government

★ A council member of Self-funded Overseas Study Service Branch of China Education Association for International Exchange

★ President of Suzhou Exit and Entry Industry Association, Vice President of Jiangsu Overseas Study Industry Association

★ The only intermediary organization in Suzhou which has electronic visa special authorization given by the Australian Government Immigration Department and Border Protection

★ The first legal intermediary organization in Suzhou, approved by the state Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, for recruiting foreign teachers to local schools

★ The first group of the legal intermediary organizations in the country which has “License for Self-funded Overseas Study,” “Business License for Exit and Entry Intermediary Organization”